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Prefer to pay by check? Please make payable to "Committee to Elect Veronica Carter" and mail to:

Committee to Elect Veronica Carter 1102 Veranda Court Leland, North Carolina 28451

*North Carolina State law requires we ask for your name, address, phone number AND employer and occupation. If you don't have an employer or are retired, put "not employed" or "no job title/profession", and if you are self-employed put "self-employed" in employer and describe your occupation. If you are a contractor or consultant, please include your "job title or profession" and the name of your employer or your employer's specific field of business activity.

*Corporate Cards used to make donations are prohibited. Political Contributions are not tax deductible. $5,600 per person per election cycle is the maximum contribution allowed by law.
Contributions from Corporations and foreign nationals are prohibited.

(910) 409-8457

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